In one of the modules I am working on, my unit tests used to take tremendous amount of time (4 minutes per test ). I inherited the NHibernate config file from previous NHibernate test module that was used somewhere before!
At the beginning I thought that this is something common when you use NHibernate with rich applications, so I didn’t pay much attention, but then it became a real headache.
One of the best colleagues notified me about an important note, which is that I was loading other domain objects from a shared module (which I didn’t really need).
I checked the NHibernate config file, and removed the mapping line that includes those shared domain objects, and the time shrank to 15 seconds!
The moral of the story is that it’s ok to suspect code we inherit from others, other modules or projects, we might not gain anything by doing that, but I am almost sure that we won’t lose!
You had shown a great skill there, unfortunately, most of the time as you alreay saw , we deal with other’s code as if it was a holy thing , we dont suspect it (which is wrong), most of the time , a little bet of refactoring would solve a LOT of issues, but like i was told once and am quoting here
“We Are Working In A Fast Track Developement, We Shall Expect Such Changes” … I just noded my head , sho beddak tqollo ha9′ 😀